Ducks on the Barrow
A recent addition to Athy Waterways We hope that you might take the time to bring the family down to Athy Waterways and feed the ducks. The best foods for ducks are those that provide the nutrients, minerals and vitamins the birds need for healthy growth and development. Many of these foods are similar to the natural seeds, grains and plants the birds will forage on their own. |
As omnivorous birds, ducks will eat a great deal of different foods, and the best foods to offer ducks include: Cracked Corn Wheat, barley or similar grains Oats (uncooked; rolled or quick) Rice (cooked or uncooked) Milo Birdseed (any type or mix) Grapes (cut in half) Frozen peas or corn (defrosted, no need to cook) Earthworms Mealworms (fresh or dried) Chopped lettuce or other greens or salad mixes Vegetable trimmings or peels (chopped) When wild ducks are fed human food (especially bread or crackers) their organs become engorged and fatty, which can cause them to suffer from heart disease, liver problems and other health complications. Bread also has very few nutrients, and can get compacted in a bird's crop | Tips for feeding ducks If you do choose to feed ducks and waterfowl at local ponds occasionally, the best tactic is to visit rarely so the birds are not getting excess food that would be unhealthy for them or their environment. Other tips for feeding ducks, geese and swans include: